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South Asia Studies
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Source-Book of Modern Hinduism by First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Call Number: Bartle Library Stacks (BL1107.3 .S6 1985)ISBN: 0700701737An Introduction to Hinduism by This book provides a much-needed thematic and historical introduction to Hinduism, the religion of the majority of people in India. Dr Flood traces the development of Hindu traditions from their ancient origins, through the major deities of Visnu, Siva and the Goddess, to the modern world. Hinduism is discussed as both a global religion and a form of nationalism. Emphasis is given to the tantric traditions, which have been so influential; to Hindu ritual, which is more fundamental to the life of the religion than are specific beliefs or doctrines; and to Dravidian influences from south India. An Introduction to Hinduism examines the ideas of dharma, particularly in relation to the ideology of kingship, caste and world renunciation. Dr Flood also introduces some debates within contemporary scholarship about the nature of Hinduism. It is suitable both for the student and for the general reader.
Call Number: Bartle Library Stacks (BL1202 .F56 1996)ISBN: 0521433045- On Hinduism [e-book] by This book is a collection of forty-three essays on Hinduism, arranged logically rather than chronologically, and designed specifically for an Indian audience. The author focuses on topics that contradict what most people believe about Hinduism, from women and animals to heresy, dharma, and karma. She talks about the nature of Hinduism and defines what Hinduism is, particularly its pluralism and threats to Hindu pluralism. She also reflects on several of the enduring central themes of Hinduism, all of which involve karma, birth, death, and rebirth. In addition, she explores concepts of divinity ... MoreISBN: 9780199377923Publication Date: 2014
Hinduism [e-book] by Explaining the origins, beliefs, scriptures and philosophies of this ancient religion, Klaus K. Klostermaier succeeds in capturing the rich diversity of rituals and gods that comprise Hinduism, while keeping the tone both engaging and informative. Covering contemporary issues such as the relationship between Hinduism and modern Western ideas, and imminent challenges the religion faces, this sweeping exploration of a fascinating and long-lasting belief system is essential reading for students, followers, and interested readers alike.
ISBN: 1851685383Publication Date: 2007
- Islam in South Asia: a regional perspective byCall Number: Bartle Library Stacks (BP63.A37 R69 2001 )ISBN: 1588680983
Sultans, Shamans, and Saints by By the fourteenth century the Islamic faith had spread via maritime trade routes to Southeast Asia where, over the next seven hundred years, it would have a continuing influence on political life, social customs, and the development of the arts. Sultans, Shamans, and Saints looks at Islam in Southeast Asia during four major eras: its arrival (to 1300), the first flowering of Islamic identity (1300-1800), the era of imperialism (1800-1945), and the era of independent nation-states (1945-2000). Ranging across the humanities and social sciences, this balanced and accessible work emphasizes the historical development of Southeast Asia's accommodation of Islam and the creation of its distinctive regional character. Each chapter opens with a general background summary that places events in the greater Asian/Southeast Asian context,
Call Number: Bartle Library Stacks (BP63.A37 F43 2007 )ISBN: 0824830520Crossing the Threshold by Who is Hindu, who is Muslim? The answer, according to Dominique-Sila Khan, is not as simple as generally assumed. By analyzing documentary sources as well as original field data, she examines the shaping of religious identities in South Asia, particularly in North India. The author argues that the perception of Islam and Hinduism as two monolithic and perpetually antagonistic faiths coexisting uneasily in South Asia has become so deeply ingrained that the complexity of the historical fabric is often overlooked or ignored. She demonstrates how the emergence of clear-cut categories is a comparatively recent phenomenon, and shows how the past is characterized by a remarkable fluidity and diversity in the social and religious milieus of the two faiths. In exploring the historical mechanisms that have led to the emergence and crystallization of religious identities the author sheds light on the increasing number of conflicts which threaten the harmonious co-existence of South Asian communities today.
Call Number: Bartle Library Stacks (BP173.H5 K43 2004 )ISBN: 1850434352- The meanings of the illustrious Qur'ân : with footnotes and an introduction to the Qur'ân byCall Number: Bartle Library Stacks (BP109 .Q72 2007 )
- Buddhist studies : ancient and modern byCall Number: Bartle Library Stacks (BQ120 .B32 1983 )
South Asian Buddhism by South Asian Buddhismpresents a comprehensive historical survey of the full range of Buddhist traditions throughout South Asia from the beginnings of the religion up to the present. Starting with narratives on the Buddha's life and foundational teachings from ancient India, the book proceeds to discuss the rise of Buddhist monastic organizations and texts among the early Mainstream Buddhist schools. It considers the origins and development of Mahayana Buddhism in South Asia, surveys the development of Buddhist Tantra in South Asia and outlines developments in Buddhism as found in Sri Lanka and Nepal following the decline of the religion in India. Berkwitz also importantly considers the effects of colonialism and modernity on the revivals of Buddhism across South Asia in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. South Asian Buddhismoffers a broad, yet detailed perspective on the history, culture, and thought of the various Buddhist traditions that developed in South Asia. Incorporating findings from the latest research on Buddhist texts and culture, this work provides a critical, historically based survey of South Asian Buddhism that will be useful for students, scholars, and general readers.
Call Number: Bartle Library Stacks (BQ322 .B47 2010 )ISBN: 9780415452496- Indian Buddhism: a survey with bibliographical notes byCall Number: Bartle Library Stacks (BQ336 .N35 1987 )
History of Indian Buddhism by This comprehensive and detailed survey of the first six centuries of Indian Buddhism sums up the results of a lifetime of research and reflection by one of Japan's most renowned scholars of Buddhism.
Call Number: Bartle Library Stacks (DS2 .A83 no.36 )ISBN: 0824812034- Four illusions Candrakīrti's advice for travelers on the Bodhisattva path by Āryadeva's Four Hundred Stanzas (Catuḥśataka) is a Mahāyāna Buddhist text that describes the Bodhisattva's path toward enlightenment. In his commentary on this text, the Indian Buddhist philosopher Candrakiriti (c.550–650 c.e.) combines philosophical argument with the narration of popular stories to persuade beginners on the path of the value of the Buddha's teachings. In the first four chapters, Candrakiriti offers therapeutic advice to lay and monastic people on how to cope with death, suffering, lust, and egotism. Each chapter focuses on a different mistaken idea that must be abandoned by p ... More
- The Buddha's doctrine and the nine vehicles Rog Bande Sherab's Lamp of the teachings by The twelfth and thirteenth centuries were a time of tremendous religious efflorescence in Tibet, a period when Tibetans gained their own voice, crafting intellectual and spiritual traditions that were uniquely Tibetan. This book is a study of the life and work of Rog Bande Sherab (1166–1244). Rogben, as he is known, studied under some of the greatest teachers of his day. An itinerant scholar and yogi, he devoted his life to collecting important textual cycles and meditation techniques. Rogben’s most important work, The Lamp of the Teachings, the work translated in these pages, cuts across the ... More