Subject Guides

Transformative Agreements

Transformative Agreements are innovative contracts between academic institutions and publishers that aim to shift the traditional subscription-based publishing model towards open access.

What is a transformative agreement?

Transformativopen access symbole agreements are collaborations between the University Libraries and publishers to move from traditional, subscription-based publishing to an open access model. They often combine the cost that the library would pay for journal subscriptions with the cost of article processing charges (APCs) to publish articles open access. This allows affiliated researchers to publish their articles open access under their university's agreement. The benefits include removing the administrative burden and cost of individual researchers publishing open access as well as all benefits involved with making research more openly available.

Currently the transformative agreements the Libraries have in place only cover open access publishing for journal articles and conference papers. Below are our active publisher agreements. The Libraries will continue to investigate other transformative agreements as part of our regular renewal negotiations with trusted publishers.

List of Agreements

ACM Open (Association for Computing Machinery)

Author Information: Must use Binghamton e-mail address and be the corresponding author.ACM Logo Authors may choose between two rights options:

1. Institutionally Paid Open Access with Creative Commons License (CC-BY)

2. ACM Exclusive License to Publish

We encourage all authors to choose option 1 as it permits all authors to deposit copies in any online repository and gives the author freedom to choose a CC-BY license for their work. See ACM Open Author Rights Workflow for more information.

List of Eligible Journals and Conference Papers

Limits: No limit on the number of publications in a calendar year, but agreement pricing will increase to reflect increased submissions

The ACM Open agreement covers the APCs for "APC-eligible article types", which includes:

  • Research Article
  • Short Paper
  • Review Article
  • Survey Article
  • Technical Note
  • Tutorial
  • Interview
  • Note

Other article types are not covered by ACM Open at this time.

Agreement Term: January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2026

More Information: ACM Open Access Publishing

Cambridge University Press 

Author Information: Corresponding author must be Binghamton affiliated. See Cambridge's Publishing Open Access Guide.

List of Eligible JournalsCambridge University Press Logo

Limits: No article limits.

Agreement Term: January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2025

More Information: Cambridge Open Access Publishing

Institute of Physics (IOP)

Author Information: Corresponding author must be Binghamton affiliated. See IOP's Author Guide.

List of Journals; see also IOP Journal Finder

Limits: No article limits

Agreement Term: January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2025

More Information: IOP Transformative Agreements Hub


Author Information: Corresponding author must be Binghamton affiliated. Articles are submitted to our institutional dashboard, where they will be reviewed by the Libraries for final OA publishing approval. See Wiley Author Workflow guides for either hybrid journals or fully open access journals.

Journal List: The agreement with Wiley covers APCs for both Hybrid OA Wiley journals and Fully OA Wiley or Hindawi journals.

Limits: Set article limit per calendar year based on three-year averages of articles published per year. Articles will be reviewed and approved by the Binghamton Libraries based on a first-come, first serve basis after the manuscript is accepted for publication.

Restricted to article types that are primary research and review articles, including but not limited to original research articles, case studies, reviews, and short communications. For a full list of eligible article types, refer to this complete listing. Any marked "Y" in column C are eligible.

Term: January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024 (four-year extension to cover 2025-2028 in the process of being finalized) 

More Information: Wiley Transformative Agreements