Subject Guides
Systems Science & Industrial Engineering
Guide Contents
Binghamton University SSIE Dissertations and Theses
- Dissertations and ThesesListing of SSIE's dissertations and theses in the ProQuest Database.
Browsing Tips
Limit by Advisor
If you wish to limit the results to a particular advisor, the linked-above search is a search for all SSIE advisors. Clear the search terms and instead search for adv("ADVISOR LAST NAME, ADVISOR FIRST NAME").
Limit by Publication Date
Binghamton University-authored dissertations and theses have been uploaded to the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database since roughly 1997. If you wish to see the most recently published dissertations, you may filter by date range using the slider filter on the left side of the results screen, or you may click "Enter a date range" to enter a specific range manually.
Browse by Topic
If you wish to see theses or dissertations by topic, the ProQuest database has some broad subjects or keywords you may click to browse theses or disserations on that topic. You can find these along the left side of the search results screen. They are sorted by the highest amount of papers assigned to that subject or index term (keyword). Click more to see more, and click the word to filter to that particular subject or keyword.
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