Subject Guides
Guide Contents
Selected Databases
- Sociology Source UltimateProvides comprehensive coverage of sociology, encompassing all sub-disciplines and closely related areas of study. These include abortion, criminology & criminal justice, demography, ethnic & racial studies, gender studies, marriage & family, political sociology, religion, rural & urban sociology, social development, social psychology, social structure, social work, socio-cultural anthropology, sociological history, sociological research, sociological theory, substance abuse & other addictions, and violence.
- Sociological AbstractsProvides access to the latest research in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Includes the subset Social Services Abstracts.
- Social Work Abstracts
Extensive coverage of more than 450 social work and human services journals dating back to 1965.
- Academic Search Ultimate
Covers over 11,000 journals in all fields of study.
- JSTORPrimarily a journal archive with some current content. If you are looking for current information, you may want to try other databases as well.
- Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and CulturePrimary sources for the historical study of sex, sexuality, and gender. With material dating back to the sixteenth century,you can examine how sexual norms have changed over time, health and hygiene, the development of sex education, the rise of sexology, changing gender roles, social movements and activism, erotica, and many other interesting topical areas.
- Web of ScienceThe Social Science Citation Index is a strong multidisciplinary index, with abstracts from 6000 scholarly publications.
- Social Science Research NetworkThe SSRN eLibrary consists of two parts: an Abstract Database containing abstracts on over 114,700 scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers and an Electronic Paper Collection currently containing over 86,500 downloadable full text documents in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.
- Religion and Philosophy OneFile
Covers world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy.
- PAIS IndexCovers issues in public affairs and policy issues through selective coverage of a wide variety of international sources. Coverage: 1915 - present.
Citation Help
All sources should be cited in a bibliography or reference list and in the body of the text of a research paper. Citations give credit to the the author as well as enable other researchers (or your instructor) to locate the cited item.
For definitive guidance on how to CITE your sources, an organization's on-line guide such as American Sociological Association (ASA) Style Guide.