Subject Guides
- Binghamton University Libraries
- Subject Guides
- Subject Guides
- Middle Eastern and Ancient Mediterranean Studies
- Middle Eastern & North African Studies
Middle Eastern and Ancient Mediterranean Studies
Guide Contents
Subject Librarian
Web Portals for Middle Eastern & North African Studies
- Voice of the Shuttle Middle East Studies page (Univ of Calif Santa Barbara). An index to academic, scholarly websites in Middle Eastern studies. The full Voice of the Shuttle websites has separate pages for all humanities disciplines.
- WWW-Virtual Library Middle East Studies page (European University Institute, Florence). An index to academic, scholarly websites in History. Links to pages on individual countries in the Middle East and North Africa.
Full Text Databases
- AM Explorer
Access millions of pages of primary source collections across the entire portfolio of Adam Matthew Digital, spanning content from the 15th-21st centuries.
- Middle Eastern and North African NewspapersNewspapers from across the Middle East and North Africa provide unique insights into the history of individual countries, as well as broad viewpoints on key historic events from the late 19th century through the present.
- Brill's Encyclopaedia of Islam (Third Edition)Comprehensive coverage of Islam in the twentieth century and of Muslim minorities all over the world. An essential key to understanding the world of Islam, and the authoritative source not only for the religion, but also for the believers and the countries in which they live.
- Brill's Encyclopaedia Islamica OnlineBased on the abridged and edited translation of the Persian Dāʾirat al-Maʿārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī, one of the most comprehensive sources on Islam and the Muslim world. A unique feature is in the attention given to Shiʿi Islam and its rich and diverse heritage. Vols. 1-5 (A-BUR) currently available.
- Brill's Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures Online (2012 Edition)An interdisciplinary, trans-historical, and global project embracing women and Islamic cultures in every region where there have been significant Muslim populations. It aims to cover every topic for which there is significant research, examining these regions from the period just before the rise of Islam to the present. This is the 2012 Edition which is an archival copy and no longer being updated.
- Russian-Ottoman Relations Online, Part 1: The Origins 1600-1800Rare primary sources regarding the history of Turkey, Russia, the Middle East and Western Europe. Provides detailed insights about the military ebb and flow of Russian-Ottoman relations and their effects on European public opinion.
- Moses Maimonides, Unparalleled Editions OnlineThis collection embraces the entire spectrum of the legalist and philosopher's works. Includes the Unparalleled Editions, examples of bilingual editions and further incunabula.
- Center for Ancient Middle Eastern Landscapes1. The systematic collection and organization of contemporary and historical spatial data pertaining to the Middle East,
2. The application of pioneering avenues of inquiry for investigating this data, and
3. The facilitation of the work of numerous researchers and members of the public seeking to better understand all or part of ancient or modern Middle Eastern landscapes.
Bibliographic Databases
- Historical Abstracts with Full TextCovers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present.
- International Medieval BibliographyThe leading bibliography of the Middle Ages in Europe. the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East, (c. 400-1500), provides records to articles, scholarly notes, etc. on all aspects of medieval studies and covering publications in over 30 languages.
- Anthropology PlusIndexed materials focus on topics of anthropology, archaeology, and related disciplines.
- HRAF World Cultures This link opens in a new windoweHraf is an unique cross-cultural database containing more than a quarter of a million pages of descriptive information on the cultures of the world. Includes the full text of ethnographic books, journal articles and other materials that are indexed by culture and subject.
- PAIS IndexCovers issues in public affairs and policy issues through selective coverage of a wide variety of international sources. Coverage: 1915 - present.
Arabic Full-Text Digital Repositories
- Arabic Collections OnlineArabic Collections Online (ACO) is a publicly available digital library of public domain Arabic language content. ACO currently provides digital access to 11,446 volumes across 6,787 subjects drawn from rich Arabic collections of distinguished research libraries.
- Manuscripts of the Muslim WorldDigital editions of more than 500 manuscripts and 827 paintings from the Islamicate world.
General Full-Text Book Databases & Digital Repositories
- Google BooksGoogle Books is a partnership project that provides access to digitized material. It may include digitized copies of texts no longer under copyright or for which the author has provided some level of open-access to the public.
- HathiTrustDigitized materials from member institutions and libraries are freely available to the public for items not under copyright restrictions (generally pre-1923 and most government documents). Downloading and other functions may be limited.
- Early English Books Online (EEBO)Contains digital facsimile page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473-1700 - from the first book printed in English by William Caxton, through the age of Spenser and Shakespeare and the tumult of the English Civil War.
- Eighteenth Century Collections OnlineOver 180,000 full-text books based on the English Short Title Catalogue.
- Nineteenth Century Collections Online
A digital collection of books, manuscripts, newspapers, photographs, ephemera, and maps that cover politics and society, literature, spirituality, technology and more.