Subject Guides
Critical Reading
Akın, F., Koray, Ö., & Tavukçu, K. (2015). How effective is critical reading in the understanding of scientific texts? Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, 2444–2451.
Hoskins, S., Lopatto, D., & Stevens, L. (2017, October 13). The C.R.E.A.T.E. approach to primary literature shifts undergraduates’ self-assessed ability to read and analyze journal articles, attitudes about science, and epistemological beliefs. CBE Life Sciences Education, 10(4).
Koray, Ö., Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Ereğli Education Faculty, Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University, Kdz. Ereğli, Zonguldak, Çetinkılıç, S., & 15 Temmuz Şehitleri İmam Hatip Secondary School. (2020). The use of critical reading in understanding scientific texts on academic performance and problem-solving skills. Science Education International, 31(4), 400–409. sei.v31.i4.9
Kulkarni, A., & Vartak, R. (2019). A module integrating conventional teaching and student-centered approach for critical reading of scientific literature. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 47(5), 581–588.
Letchford, J., Corradi, H., & Day, T. (2017). A flexible e-learning resource promoting the critical reading of scientific papers for science undergraduates. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education: A Bimonthly Publication of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 45(6), 483–490. 21072
Price, C., & Christenson, R. (2015). Critical appraisal in the practice of laboratory medicine—Christopher P Price, Robert H Christenson, 2016. Association for Laboratory Medicine, 53(2).
Rempel, H. G., & Hamelers, R. (2023). Teaching critical reading skills: Strategies for academic librarians. Association of College and Research Libraries.
Stevens, L. M., & Hoskins, S. G. (2014). The CREATE strategy for intensive analysis of primary literature can be used effectively by newly trained faculty to produce multiple gains in diverse students. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 13(2), 224–242.
Subramanyam, R. V. (2013). Art of reading a journal article: Methodically and effectively. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, 17(1), 65. 0973-029X.110733
Van, L. H., Li, C. S., & Wan, R. (2022). Critical reading in higher education: A systematic review. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 44, 101028. 2022.101028
Walker, L., & Warfa, A.-R. M. (2017). Process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL®) marginally effects student achievement measures but substantially increases the odds of passing a course. PLOS ONE, 12(10), e0186203. pone.0186203
Wilson, K. (2016). Critical reading, critical thinking: Delicate scaffolding in English for Academic Purposes (EAP). Thinking Skills and Creativity, 22, 256–265. /10.1016/j.tsc.2016.10.002
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