Subject Guides

Systematic Review

A step by step guide

Team Member Roles

To ensure valid and unbiased methodology of a systematic review, it is important that a minimum of 2 team members perform masked independent screening at each stage of the process (Title & Abstract screening, Full text screening). A third team member is recommended to resolve any discrepancies. 

The purpose of screening the search results is to ensure that each article meets the inclusion criteria determined in the protocol. 

All search results are first screened by the title and abstract.

  • Those that do not meet the inclusion criteria are removed from the study.
  • The number of studies removed must be documented in the PRISMA flow diagram. 

The remaining articles are then screened by the full text. 

  • Those that do not meet the inclusion criteria are removed from the study.
  • The number of studies removed must be documented in the PRISMA flow diagram.

The Covidence and Rayyan platforms provide masked independent screening at each stage.