Subject Guides

CDCI 200: Career Exploration Course

Use this page as a guide to researching information for CDCI 200.

Using Find it! for Journal Articles

Searching for articles using Find it! has lots of benefits:

  • Allows for searching across journals and other materials arranged around related subjects and themes.
  • Quickly search for items by subject headings or descriptors to allow for more targeted results.
  • Advanced search screens allow for combining multiple search terms using AND, OR, and NOT for better results
  • Can often combine databases to allow keyword searching across more than one discipline
  • When articles are not available full-text in the database, use Get It! to see if the article is available full-text in print or in another database
  • If the full-text is not available, use Get It! to submit an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request for the article so we can get it for you from another library

Using Databases for Journal Articles

Why use a database to find a journal article?

  • Allows for searching across journals and other materials arranged around related subjects and themes.
  • Quickly search for items by subject headings or descriptors to allow for more targeted results.
  • Advanced search screens allow for combining multiple search terms using AND, OR, and NOT for better results
  • Can often combine databases to allow keyword searching across more than one discipline
  • When articles are not available full-text in the database, use Get It! to see if the article is available full-text in print or in another database

Getting started...