Subject Guides
HIST 481Q/GERM 481C Reformation Religion and Society
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Encyclopedias, etc.
Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy by
ISBN: 9781402097294Publication Date: 2011The Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy covers all areas of philosophy in the Middle Ages and part of the Renaissance, ranging from 500 to 1500 CE. It contains general entries on medieval philosophers and medieval philosophies and on the key terms and concepts in the subject area, but it also provides more in-depth details and analyses of particular theories. Furthermore, in order to gain an insight into the social and cultural context of the material, entries are included on the teaching of philosophy, the career of philosophers, and the place of philosophy within the universities.Handbook of European History, 1400-1600, vol. 1 by
ISBN: 9004097600Publication Date: 1994-06-01The Handbook of European History 1400-1600 brings together the best scholarship into an array of topical chapters that present current knowledge and thinking in ways useful to the specialist and accessible to students and to the educated non-specialist. Forty-one leading scholars in this field of history present the state of knowledge about the grand themes, main controversies and fruitful directions for research of European history in this era. Volume 1 (Structures and Assertions) described the people, lands, religions and political structures which define the setting for this historical period. Volume 2 (Visions, Programs, Outcomes) covers the early stages of the process by which newly established confessional structures began to work their way among the populace.Handbook of European History 1400-1600: Late Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation by
ISBN: 9004097619Publication Date: 1995-06-01Introduction: Paradigms for the Conception of a Better World.Part 1: Visions of Reform.Gerald Strauss, 'Ideas of Renovatio in Late Medieval Thought.'Constantin Fasolt, 'Visions of Order in the Canonists and Civilians.'Erika Rummel, 'Voices of Reform from Hus to Erasmus.'Ronald G. Witt, 'The Humanist Movement.'Part 2: Programs for Change.Martin Brecht, 'Luther's Reformation.'Peter Blickle, 'The Popular Reformation.'Berndt Hamm, 'The Reformed Reformation: Urban Phase.'Robert Kingdon, 'The Reformed Reformation: International Phase.'James M. Stayer, 'The Radical Reformation.'John Patrick Donnelly, 'Catholic Reformation: The New Orders.'Elisabeth Gleason, 'Catholic Reformation: Papal Reform.'Part 3: Outcomes.Heiko A. Oberman, 'Settlements: The Empire.'Nicolette Mout and Juliaan Woltjer, 'Settlements: The Netherlands.'Philip Benedict, 'Settlements: France.'Ian Hazlett, 'Settlements: The British Kingdom.'Christian Hermann, 'Settlements: Iberia.'Michael Metcalf, 'Settlements: Scandinavia.'Winfried Eberhard, 'Settlements: Eastern Europe.'Hans-Christoph Rublack, 'New Patterns of Christian Life.'Lyndal Roper, 'The Reformation, the Family and the Sexes.'Brian Levack, 'The Witch Panic.'Heinz Schilling, 'Confessional Europe: Bureaucrats, La Bonne Police, Civilizations.'Conclusion: Elites, Princes, and Reformers - Congruent and Conflicting Strategies and Aims.The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation by
ISBN: 9780195064933Publication Date: 1996-02-29In 1517, Martin Luther's legendary Ninety-five Theses set in motion a chain of events that fundamentally altered European history. The resulting Reformation of the sixteenth century proved to be one of the most important and far-reaching phenomena of an era marked by dramatic religious andsocial upheaval. A critical chapter in the history of Christian thought, the movement provoked political, social, and cultural transformations that profoundly changed the Western world.The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation is the first major reference to cover the immense subject of the Reformation in its entirety. Setting the issues of theology and ecclesiology within the broader context of the social and intellectual history of the time, it is the most authoritativereference available on early modern European society as a whole.The Encyclopedia is a unique compendium of contemporary scholarship focusing on the complete range of religious and social changes wrought by the Reformation-- including not only issues of church polity and theology but also related developments in politics, economics, demographics, art, andliterature. It is an unparalleled source of information on the personalities and events of the era, with broad coverage ranging from biographies to extensive treatments of topics such as Lutheranism, women, law, the Augsburg Confession, music, the Holy Roman Empire, peasants, the Bible, persecution,and literacy.Offering exhaustive interdisciplinary and international coverage of all aspects of the Reformation, this is the ultimate reference on the subject. Transcending the bounds of denominational encyclopedias and dictionaries of Reformation history currently available, it offers the only comprehensivepicture of western Europe and the British Isles, along with southern Europe, Scandinavia, and east-central Europe in the early modern period. It is the first source scholars, students, and general readers in any discipline will reach for when studying the Reformation.The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern European History, 1350-1750 by
ISBN: 9780199597253Publication Date: 2015-09-23This Handbook re-examines the concept of early modern history in a European and global context. The term "early modern" has been familiar, especially in Anglophone scholarship, for four decades and is securely established in teaching, research, and scholarly publishing. More recently, however,the unity implied in the notion has fragmented, while the usefulness and even the validity of the term, and the historical periodisation which it incorporates, have been questioned. The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern European History, 1350-1750 provides an account of the development of the subjectduring the past half-century, but primarily offers an integrated and comprehensive survey of present knowledge, together with some suggestions as to how the field is developing. It aims both to interrogate the notion of "early modernity" itself and to survey early modern Europe as an establishedfield of study. The overriding aim will be to establish that "early modern" is not simply a chronological label but possesses a substantive integrity.Volume I examines "Peoples and Place", assessing structural factors such as climate, printing and the revolution in information, social and economic developments, and religion, including chapters on Orthodoxy, Judaism and Islam.
- Encyclopedia of the Middle AgesArticles on all aspects of the period from the fifth to the fifteenth century. Explores art, architecture, religion, law, science, language, philosophy, and theology, as well as cultural, religious, intellectual, social and political history.
- ORB: On-line Reference Book for Medieval Studies(College of Staten Island, CUNY) Includes the ORB Encyclopedia, the ORB Textbook Library, Resources for Teaching, E-Texts, the ORB Reference Shelf and more.
Web Portals for Medieval Studies
Voice of the Shuttle Webpage for Humanities Research page (Univ of Calif Santa Barbara). An excellent compilation of academic websites for all humanities subjects. Although there is not a separate Medieval or Early Modern studies page, searching these terms in the VoS search box will return a list of links across the humanities devoted to these time periods.
The Labyrinth (Georgetown University) provides free, organized access to electronic resources in medieval studies through a World Wide Web server at Georgetown University. The Labyrinth's easy-to-use menus and links provide connections to databases, services, texts, and images on other servers around the world. Each user will be able to find an Ariadne's thread through the maze of information on the Web.
WWW-Virtual Library History page is a collection of links to academic websites for History. Subcategories include: History by Continent/Country and History by Eras and Epochs.