Subject Guides

HIST 481Q/GERM 481C Reformation Religion and Society

Guide Contents

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Mary Tuttle
LN 2303
(607) 777-4913

Encyclopedias, etc.

Web Portals for Medieval Studies

  • Voice of the Shuttle Webpage for Humanities Research page (Univ of Calif Santa Barbara). An excellent compilation of academic websites for all humanities subjects. Although there is not a separate Medieval or Early Modern studies page, searching these terms in the VoS search box will return a list of links across the humanities devoted to these time periods.

  • The Labyrinth (Georgetown University) provides free, organized access to electronic resources in medieval studies through a World Wide Web server at Georgetown University. The Labyrinth's easy-to-use menus and links provide connections to databases, services, texts, and images on other servers around the world. Each user will be able to find an Ariadne's thread through the maze of information on the Web.

  • WWW-Virtual Library History page is a collection of links to academic websites for History. Subcategories include: History by Continent/Country and History by Eras and Epochs.