Subject Guides

CHEM 484T/584T Library Resources

created for Fall 2020 semester

Guide Contents

Citing Sources - ACS Style

ACS Style Guide (University of Wisconsin)
Cite common reference types.

​Manage and format article information for bibliographies, footnotes, etc.

1. Create an account on Mendeley.

2. Download Mendeley Desktop.
Allows you to store citations on your desktop.

3. Download Mendeley Citation Plug-in 
(if you can) (Word, LibreOffice)

Allows you to insert citations into Word Documents.

4. Install the Mendeley Web Importer Chrome extension.
Allows you to import articles and references.

More Help: Getting Started with Mendeley video.

Places to search for Journal Articles and Chemical Structures

This list includes different tools to help you locate information in chemistry.

There is one encyclopedia source

There are journal article databases with structure and reaction search tools:
Scifinder Scholar, Reaxys, PubMed, and Chemspider

There are three tools to search for journal article citations:
Web of Science, Scifinder, and Google Scholar

Note: Scifinder Scholar requires registration.
Please email for the URL.

Learning about Chemistry and Chemical Topics on the web

There are lots of classroom materials of chemistry lectures, problem sets and exams on the web:

The video below is from one of the many collections from the Royal Institution's RI Channel  in the UK. 

Khan Academy has many introductory chemistry lecture videos. Note that problem set solutions may be locked.

CrashCourse has videos on Chemistry course topics.

MIT OpenCourseWare has lectures, problem sets and exams online.

UCI Open has lectures, problems and solutions in individual lectures.

Periodic Table of Videos covers many chemical topics.

Alternative Periodic Tables you may not have seen.

Periodic Table parodies on a variety of themes.


Subject LIbrarian

Profile Photo
Elizabeth Brown
LS2504C Glenn G Bartle Library
607-777-4882 (office)