Subject Guides

How to Read Geographical Names

How to Find the Meaning of Japanese Words

With Japanese Explanation

Nihon kokugo daijiten

Tōkyō: Shōgakukan, Showa 47-51 [1972-1976], 10 v.
(Bartle Reference: PL675 .N46 1972b)


Tōkyō :Iwanami Shoten,1998. Dai 5-han.
(Bartle Reference: PL675.S5 1998)

Gendai yōgo no kiso chishiki

Tōkyō: Jiyū Kokuminsha, 2003.
(Bartle Reference: PL684.G46 2003
PL684.G46 2003 suppl.1
PL684.G46 2003 suppl.2)

Chiezō Tōkyō :Asahi Shinbunsha, 2003
知恵蔵, 朝日新聞社, 2003.
(Bartle Reference: PL684.A83 2003)

Ōbunsha kogo jiten
Tōkyō :Ōbunsha,Shōwa 40 [1965](1968 printing).
(Bartle Reference: PL675.O28 1965)

With English Explanation

The Kodansha English-Japanese dictionary
Tokyo: Kodansha,1977,c1969.
(Bartle Reference: PL679.N9 1977)

Basic Japanese-English dictionary =Kiso Nihongo gakushū jiten
Oxford; New York :Oxford University Press, 1989, c1986.
(Bartle Reference: PL679.B37 1989)

Collins Shubun English Japanese dictionary = Ko rin zu shū bun Ei-Wa jiten.
1st ed. [New York, N.Y.] :HarperCollins Publishers : Shubun International,1993(1994 printing)
(Bartle Reference: PL679.C64 1993)

Collins Shubun English Japanese dictionary =Ko rin zu shū bun Ei-Wa jiten
[New York, N.Y.] :HarperCollins Publishers: Shubun International,1993(1994 printing) 1st ed.
(Bartle Reference: PL679.C64 1993)

Kodansha's basic English-Japanese dictionary =Nichijō Nihongo bairingaru jiten
Tōkyō :Kōdansha Intānashonaru,1999.
(Bartle Reference: PL679.M35 1999)

Kodansha's furigana English-Japanese dictionary: the essential dictionary for all students of Japanese
Japanese title in colophon: ふりがな英和辞典
Tōkyō :Kōdansha Intānashonaru,1996.
(Bartle Reference: PL679.K67 1996)

Kodansha's furigana Japanese-English dictionary: the essential dictionary for all students of Japanese
Tokyo; New York; London: Kodansha International, 1995.
(Bartle Reference: PL679.K672 1995)

Kodansha's romanized Japanese-English dictionary
Tokyo; New York: Kodansha International, 1993. 1st ed.
(Bartle Reference: PL679.V36 1993)

Merriam-Webster's Japanese-English learner's dictionary
Springfield, Mass.: Merriam-Webster, c1993.
(Bartle Reference: PL679.K38213 1993)

A Dictionary of Japanese and English idiomatic equivalents
Tokyo; New York: Kodansha International, 1968.
(Bartle Reference: PL679.D5 1968)

Ei-Wa rōmaji kanyōgo jiten =English Japanese romanized idiom dictionary
Tōkyō :Gyōsei,Heisei 5 [1993]
(Bartle Reference: PL679.K83 1993)

How to Read Japanese Name

Japanese names: a comprehensive index by characters and readings
New York: John Weatherhill, 1972.
(Bartle Reference: CS3000.O6)

Jinmei yomikata jiten
Tōkyō :Nichigai Asoshiētsu :Hatsubaimoto Kinokuniya Shoten,1994. 2 v.
(Bartle Reference: CS3000.J56 1994)

How to Read Chinese Characters

Dai Kan-Wa jiten
Tōkyō :Daishūkan Shoten, Showa 50 [1980] 13 v.
(Bartle Stack: PL681.C5M6 1980)

How to Find Biographical Information

Asashi Nihon rekishi jinbutsu jiten
Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1994.
(Bartle Reference: DS834.A83 1994)

Gendai Chūgoku jinmei jiten
Tōkyō :Kōnan Shoin,Shōwa 32 [1957].
(Bartle Reference: DS778.A1.G46 1957)

Inō isai jinbutsu jiten
Tōkyō: Tōkyōdō Shuppan, 1996.
(Bartle: CT1834.I56 1996)

Shintei sakka, shōsetsuka jinmei jiten
Tōkyō :Nichigai Asoshiētsu :Hatsubaimoto Kinokuniya Shoten, 2002.
(Bartle Reference: PL723.S5 2002)

Nihon Riku-Kaigun jinmei jiten
Tōkyō :Fuyō Shobō Shuppan,1999.
(Bartle Reference: U54.J3F862 1999)