Subject Guides

Guide Contents

New York State Data

In addition to American FactFinder and local area links, consult the following for data specific to NYS:

Cornell Program on Applied Demographics

NYS Data Center

NYS GIS Clearinghouse

NYS Open Data Portal

NYS Statistical Yearbook (check catalog for earlier print)

NYC Census FactFinder

NYC OpenData

NYC Portal

U.S. Census Data

  • U.S. Census Bureau | Subjects A-Z C
    The United States Census is the primary source for demographic and social data collection across the United States. In addition to conducting the Census every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau gathers data on a wide variety of topics that provides information on the nation's population and economy.

  • Economic Census: 5 year survey provides snapshot of the economy from the national to local level. 
  • Neighborhood Change Database (CD-ROM located on Data Workstation in Government Documents Room)

    Provides selected variables from 1970 - 2010 decennial censuses at the nation, state, county, or census tract levels. Where available, normalized time-series data can be accessed in Census 2010 tract boundaries. 

Small Area Data

County and City Data Book (Also in Bartle Reference, HA206 .S865, 1952 - ) 
Provides in-depth data sets for areas of 100,000 people or more.

Federal, State, & Local Governments

Regional Data, Bureua of Economic Analysis
Statistics detailing the geographic distribution of U.S. economic activity and growth for state and local area economies.

Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates
Estimates for selected statistics on poverty and income for states, counties, and school districts.

State of the Cities Data System 
SOCDS provides data for individual Metropolitan Areas, Central Cities, and Suburbs.

International Data