Subject Guides
Case Study Research
Tips on how to find business case studies and how to do case study research.
Guide Contents
Databases that Include Case Studies
- Business Source UltimateSelect "Case Study" under Document Type and then type your company name or industry in the search box.
- MarketLine AdvantageClick on the Analysis tab and use the pull-down menu to select Case Studies.
Company Historical Data
- Mergent ArchivesDetailed company information, some going back decades. Presented on a year by year basis, though. If you want to look at what happened to a company in 1989, look at the record for 1990.
- Gale Business: InsightsFor company histories, do a Company Search, then pick your company. On the company record screen, click on the Histories button at the side of the page. The Financials link has historical information as well.
- Yahoo Historical Stock PricesHistorical stock prices from Yahoo! Finance.
Subject Librarian

Colleen Hailey
Office 1528, Bartle Library, last one on left in the Reference area.