Subject Guides
Art & Architectural History
Guide to resources in art and architectural history.
- Art History Bibliographic Databases
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- Evaluating Journals
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Databases for Art History Literature
- Art & Architecture SourceSingle search of all the EBSCO art databases including including Art Index, Art Abstracts, Art Full Text, and Art Retrospective. Includes limited full text.Art & Architecture Source (formerly Art Source) offers over 640 full-text journals -- as well as detailed indexing and abstracts for an array of journals, books and more. International in scope, Art Source includes periodicals published in French, Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch.
- Art Index Retrospective: 1929-1984Indexing of periodicals devoted to Art, Art History and Architecture. Especially helpful for locating contemporary criticism of art at the time of its debut, tracing the historical development of art criticism and commentary, and finding artists' interviews and illustrations of their works.Supplements the coverage provided by Art Abstracts and includes leading European publications. features coverage English-language periodicals, yearbooks and museum bulletins published in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch. Coverage: 1929-1984.
- Bibliography of the History of ArtThe BHA database combines the Bibliography of the History of Art/Bibliographie d'histoire de l'art (1990-2007) and RILA (Répertoire de la litterature de l'art, 1975-1989). Abstracts and subject terms are in French or English.BHA has been used informally to refer to a group of databases: RAA, RILA, BHA, and IBA. The data available on the Getty Web site as of April 1, 2010, comprises two databases: BHA and IBA. BHA (Bibliography of the History of Art/Bibliographie d'histoire de l'art) covers the years 1990-2007; the Getty Web version includes all records with abstracts in French or English and all subject terms in French and English. IBA (International Bibliography of the History of Art) covers 2008 and part of 2009; the Getty Web version includes all records with abstracts in English and all subject terms in French and English. A third database will be added to the Getty Web site during the coming months: RILA (Répertoire de la litterature de l'art), which covers 1975–1989. At present, the Getty has no plans to add RAA (Répertoire d'art et d'archéologie), which covers 1973–1989.
- Frick Art Reference Library Periodicals IndexIndexes a unique selection of art history periodicals, covering a wide range of languages. Subject focus is on art history and works of art.
- JSTORA journal database which holds over 200 titles in Art and Architectural History, with a wide range of full-text coverage dating back to the late 19th century.JSTOR has a "moving wall," which represents the time period between the last issue available in JSTOR and the most recently published issue of a journal. Publishers determine the moving wall length in their license agreements with JSTOR. Moving walls may range from zero to ten years, and those with walls from zero to seven years participate in our revenue sharing program. In calculating the moving wall, the current, incomplete year is not counted.
- IngentaConnectComprehensive multi-disciplinary database with over 500 publications in Arts and Humanities.
- Project MuseFull-text versions of recent peer-reviewed scholarly journals from several university presses, including journals in Art, Architecture and the Humanities. Coverage begins in 1990.Coverage: Varies by title; earliest from 1990.
- AATA Online This link opens in a new window"A comprehensive database of over 100,000 abstracts of literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage." Coverage: 1932 - present.
- ArchNetArchNet is an international online community for architects, planners, urban designers, landscape architects, conservationists, and scholars, with a focus on Muslim cultures and civilisations.Within the Digital Library, members have full access to an extensive range of information on cities, sites, and buildings. Downloadable online resources include images, publications, and other types of media files such as CAD, video, and PowerPoint. Members can also use course syllabi and bibliographic resources; visit a calendar of conferences, exhibitions, and events; and work with others on a group project. Discussion and scholarly dialogue takes place in the Discussion Forum; group projects, as well as classes supplementing university lectures, are available in the Group Workspaces.
Citation Help
- Citation Help & Academic HonestyHow to cite using MLA, APA, & Chicago, plus links to other citation styles. Information on how to avoid problems with plagiarism.
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