Subject Guides
E-Resources 690s: Home
- ABI/INFORM global; See also ProQuest (Cancelled 7/06)
- Access Pharmacy e-books (use McGraw-Hill in 538; Aleph collection code: BAPHA)
- ACLS HEB (American Council of Learned Societies History ebook Project; Aleph collection code: BACLS)
- ACM Digital Library (Association for Computing Machinery)
- ACS journals (American Chemical Society)
- ADB online publications (use Asian Development Bank in 538; Aleph collection code: BEB[YR])
- AIP journals (American Institute of Physics)
- AMNH (American Museum of Natural History)
- AMS journals (American Mathematical Society)
- Annual Reviews
- APA streaming video (American Psychological Association; use APA PsycNET in 538; Aleph collection code: BSVAP)
- APS journals (American Physical Society)
- ASCE journals (American Society of Civil Engineers)
- ASG-LGBTQ (use Gale CENGAGE Learning in 538; Aleph collection code: BASG)
- ASME online journals (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
- ASPP online (IEEE All-Society Periodicals Package)
- Atypon (Formerly, Extenza)
- Bates' streaming video (use Wolters Kluwer in 538; Aleph collection code: BSVBG)
- BioOne
- Blackwell Synergy
- Books@Ovid Purchased eBooks (use Ovid in 538; Aleph collection code: BACQ)
- Brill e-books (use Brill in 538; Aleph collection code: BACQ)
- Brill online reference works (use Brill in 538; 655 :0_: $a Online databases.; Aleph collection code: BOND)
- BU only
- BU thesis online (Aleph collection code: BTHE)
- Buffalo E-Document
- Business Expert Press (Aleph collection code: BBEP)
- Caliber journals (University of California journals)
- Cambridge books online (Alma collection: Cambridge University Press Online Books; Aleph collection code: BCAM))
- Cambridge journals online
- Colloquium digital library of life sciences (Collection One; Aleph collection code: BSDEC; use 690: Morgan & Claypool ebooks for individual titles ordered separate from Collection)
- Coutts (use MyiLibrary in 538; Aleph collection code: BCOUT)
- CQ Press (Aleph collection code: BOND)
- CRCnetBASE (use CRCnetBASE in 538; Aleph collection code: BACQ) -- part of Taylor & Francis eBooks A-Z as of October 2017
- Credo Reference (Aleph collection code: BPRFB)
- Crystallography journals online
- CSA database
- De Gruyter Online e-books (Alma collection: de Gruyter eBooks Complete; Aleph collection code: BDGO)
- De Gruyter journals
- Dialnet
- Dialog@Carl
- Digitalia Hispánica e-books (use Digitalia, Inc. in 538; Aleph collection code: BDGHS)
- DOAJ journals (Directory of Open Access Journals)
- EBL (use ebook Library in 538; Aleph collection code: BEBL; merged with ebrary to become Ebook Central 11/16)
- Ebook Central (Alma collection: Ebook Central (Ebook Central Perpetual and DDA Titles); Aleph collection code: BCEN)
- eBooks on EBSCOhost (Alma collection: EBSCOhost Ebooks; Aleph collection code:BLIB; formerly netLibrary)
- ebrary (use ebrary, Inc. in 538; Aleph collection code: BEBRY; merged with EBL to become Ebook Central 11/16)
- EBSCO eBook Education Collection (use eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) in 538; Aleph collection code: BEEDU
- EBSCO eBook Subscription Academic Collection - North America (use eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) in 538; Aleph collection code: BEAN
- EDP Sciences journals (Editions de Physique)
- e-Duke Books Scholarly Collection (use Duke University Press in 538; Aleph Collection Code pre-2008-2013: BDKBF; 2014- : BDKCR)
- EEBO STC 1 -- (Early English Books Online I, 1475-1640 (STC I, Pollard and Redgrave)) ; Aleph Collection Code: BEEBO)
- EEBO STC 2 (Wing) -- (Early English Books Online II, 1641-1700 (STC II, Wing)); Aleph Collection Code: BEEBO)
- EHRAF (Aleph Collection Code: BHRF)
- Eighteenth century collections online (Aleph collection code: BECCO)
- e-Korean Studies (Obsolete -- Panmun EKS cancelled 2017)
- Emerald Library
- Elsevier's ScienceDirect
- Erlbaum journals
- Ethnic newswatch; See also ProQuest
- Eureka-RLG
- Extenza (Changed to Atypon, 7/06)
- Facts on File
- FirstSearch database
- Gale Crime 1790-1920 (use Gale CENGAGE Learning in 538; Aleph collection code: BCPPC)
- Gale databases
- Gale e-books (add (SUNY) to GVRL SUNY titles; 538 and 830 series: Gale virtual reference library; use BPRFB for collection code)
- GaleNet (no longer used, see Gale databases)
- GenderWatch; See also ProQuest
- GeoScienceWorld eBooks Collection (use 538 GeoScienceWorld; Aleph collection code: BGSW)
- Gerritsen collection
- Gov Doc CD-ROM
- Gov Doc DVD-ROM
- Gov Doc Online
- Greenleaf online library (use 538 Greenleaf/Ingenta Connect; Aleph collection code: BLEAF)
- Guilford journals
- Harmonie Park Press
- Haworth journals
- Hein legal classics (use 538 HeinOnline; Aleph collection code: BHEI2)
- HighWire Press
- Human rights studies online (text) (use 538 Alexander Street Press; Aleph collection code: BAHR)
- Human rights studies online (video) (use 538 Alexander Street Press; Aleph collection code: BSVHR)
- ICPSR computer file
- IEE Digital Library (Institution of Electrical Engineers); changed to IET Digital Library 11/06
- IEEE; See ASPP online
- IET Digital Library (Institute of Engineering and Technology)
- IGI Global InfoSci-Books (Alma collection: IGI Global InfoSci-Books; Aleph collection code: BIGI)
- Infobase (use Infobase in 538; Aleph collection code: BVID)
- Informaworld
- Ingenta Select
- IngentaConnect (Ingenta & Ingenta Select)
- IOP electronic journals (Institute of Physics)
- IOP science books (use IOP Publishing in 538; Aleph collection code: BACQ)
- IP North America (use Gale CENGAGE Learning in 538; Aleph collection code: BIPNA)
- JAMAevidence e-books (use McGraw-Hill in 538; Aleph collection code: BACQ)
- Journals@Ovid; See LWW journals
- JoVE clinical skills (use JoVE Science Education in 538; Aleph collection code: BVID)
- JSTOR eBooks (use JSTOR in 538; Aleph collection code: BJSTR)
- JSTOR eBooks: Open Access (use JSTOR in 538; Aleph collection code: BJOA)
- JSTOR print serials
- Kluwer journals
- LEXIS-NEXIS academic universe
- Loeb classical library (use Harvard University Press in 538; Aleph collection code: BLOEB)
- LWW journals
- Manchester University journals
- Math (Cornell) (use Cornell University Library in 538; Aleph collection code: BEB07)
- McGraw-Hill nursing ebook cluster (use McGraw-Hill ebook library in 538; Aleph collection code: BMHEL)
- McGraw-Hill primary care ebook cluster (use McGraw-Hill ebook library in 538; Aleph collection code: BMHEL)
- MetaPress (Baywood Press & M.E. Sharpe)
- Morgan & Claypool e-books (individual titles not part of a collection; use Morgan & Claypool in 538; Aleph collection code: BACQ)
- National Academies Press (use National Academies Press in 538; Aleph collection code pre-2007: BNAP; post-2007: BEB[YR])
- National Newspapers; See also ProQuest (Cancelled 7/06)
- NDACE (New directions for adult and continuing education)
- NDCAD (New directions for child and adolescent development)
- NDCC (New directions for community colleges)
- NDCD (New directions for child development)
- NDE (New directions for evaluation)
- NDHE (New directions for higher education)
- NDIR (New directions for institutional research)
- NDPF (New directions for philanthropic fundraising)
- NDSS (New directions for student services)
- NDTL (New directions for teaching and learning)
- NDYD (New directions for youth development)
- netLibrary (Aleph collection code: BLIB; no longer used as of 8/8/11; see eBooks on EBSCOhost)
- NewsBank
- Nineteenth Century Collections Online (use Gale in 538; Aleph collection code: BNCCO)
- OneFile (InfoTrac)
- Online databases (Aleph collection code: BOND)
- Opera in video (use Alexander Street Press in 538; Aleph collection code: BSVOV)
- OUP journals (Oxford University Press)
- Oxford art online
- Oxford reference library (use BPRFB for collection code)
- Oxford handbooks online (use BPRFB for collection code)
- Oxford music online
- Oxford scholarship online (Aleph collection code: BOXF)
- Oxford University Press scholarship online (use University Press Scholarship Online in 538; Aleph collection code: BACQ)
- PA Research II; See also ProQuest (Cancelled 7/06)
- Palgrave Connect ebooks (use Palgrave Connect in 538; Aleph collection code: BACQ) -- No longer used; see Springer e-books
- PDA (patron-driven acq.; use BPDA for collection code)
- PDA purchased (use provider collection code)
- PDA Kanopy (use Kanopy Streaming in 538; Aleph collection code: BSVKP)
- PDA PURCHASE Kanopy (use Kanopy Streaming in 538; Aleph collection code: BSVKP)
- PDA R2 (R2 Library patron-driven acq.; use R2 Library in 538; Aleph collection code: BR2)
- PDA PURCHASE R2 (use R2 Library in 538; Aleph collection code: BR2)
- Persée
- Peter Lang eBooks (use Peter Lang in 538; Aleph collection code: BLANG)
- PharmacyLibrary (use American Pharmacists Association PharmacyLibrary in 538; Aleph collection code: BPHML)
- PLEX (use Gale CENGAGE Learning in 538; Series statement: Political Extremism and Radicalism in the Twentieth Century; Aleph collection code: BPLEX)
- Portland Press
- Project Muse (for e-journals)
- Project Muse UPCC e-books (use Project Muse in 538; Aleph collection code: BACQ)
- ProQuest; See also ABI/INFORM global, Ethnic newswatch, GenderWatch, National Newspapers, PA Research II
- ProQuest congressional publications (Aleph sublibrary: BINGO; Aleph collection code: GCONG)
- streaming video (use in 538; Aleph collection code: BVID)
- R2 Library (Alma collection: R2 Digital Library; Aleph collection code: BR2)
- Rand e-books (use Rand Corporation in 538; Aleph collection code: BRAND)
- RKMA archive (use Richard K. Miller & Associates in 538; Aleph collection code: BRKMA)
- Royal Society journals
- RSC journals (Royal Society of Chemistry) (no journal URLs)
- Safari (use Safari Books Online in 538; Aleph collection code: BSAFA)
- Sage Knowledge (use Sage Knowledge in 538; use BPRFB for collection code)
- Sage reference online (use BPRFB for collection code; changed to Sage Knowledge 10/31/13)
- Salem Press e-books (use Salem Press in 538; Aleph collection code: BACQ)
- ScienceDirect Advances in pharmacology (use Elsevier ScienceDirect in 538; Aleph collection code: BADPH)
- ScienceDirect eBooks (use Elsevier ScienceDirect in 538; Aleph collection code: BESD)
- Scitation (1 title problem: Aleph #586705)
- Sharpe online reference (use BPRFB for collection code)
- SourceOECD (no journal URLs)
- Springer e-books (use SpringerLink in 538; Aleph collection code: BSPRB)
- Springer journals (no journal URLs)
- SpringerLink ebooks - Computer Science (Aleph collection code: BSPCS)
- St. Andrews e-books (use St. Andrews Research Repository in 538; Aleph collection code: BEB[YR])
- Stat!Ref (use Stat!Ref in 538; Aleph collection code: BSTAR)
- SUNY OER textbooks (538 & 710 :2_: Open SUNY Textbooks; Aleph collection code: BOER)
- SUNY Press (Aleph collection code: BSUPR)
- Suppressed online database
- Swets (Aleph collection code: BACQ)
- Synthesis digital library (Aleph collection code: BSDEC)
- Taylor & Francis eBooks A-Z (Alma collection: Taylot & Francis eBooks Complete; Aleph collection code: BTYFR)
- Taylor & Francis journals (no journal URLs)
- Theatre in video (use Alexander Street Press in 538; Aleph collection code: BSVTV)
- Trans Tech journals (no journal URLs)
- University of Chicago journals (no journal URLs)
- WASI (Women and social movements, international); (Aleph collection code: BWASI)
- Web of science; See also ISI web of knowledge
- WebSPIRS (no WebSPIRS)
- Wiley InterScience (no journal URLs)
- Wiley Online Library (Alma collection: Wiley Online Library Online Books; Aleph collection code: BWOL)
- WMNS (use Gale CENGAGE Learning in 538; Series statement: Women's Studies Archive: Women's Issues and Identities; Aleph collection code: BWMNS)
Rev. jy 1/23/17