Subject Guides

Hot Research Topics & Controversial Issues: Policy & Topic Analysis



 CRS is a nonpartisan analytical, research, and reference arm of Congress. It serves Congress by providing comprehensive and reliable legislative research and analysis. Included on this website are written products tailored to specific issues requiring information, analysis, or legal interpretation.


  • Center for Study of Responsive Law
    Nonprofit Ralph Nader-founded organization that studies a variety of political, economic, and social issues relevant to the citizen-consumer.
  • Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
    Non-partisan research institute which works at the federal and state levels on fiscal policy and public programs that affect low and moderate income families and individuals.
  • Common Cause
    Nonpartisan nonprofit advocacy organization founded as a "vehicle for citizens to make their voices heard in the political process and to hold their elected leaders accountable to the public interest."
  • Economic Policy Institute
    Nonprofit nonpartisan organization that focuses on the economic condition of low- and middle-income Americans. It "conducts original research on economic issues, makes policy recommendations based on its findings."
  • Educause
    Nonprofit group that seeks to better higher education through the intelligent use of technology.
  • Global Policy Forum
    GPF monitors international policy making at the United Nations, covering social and economic policies of a global nature.
  • Kaiser Family Foundation
    Provides access to surveys, research reports, Congressional testimonies, fact sheets, press releases, and issue briefs related to health and health care issues back to 1994.
  • Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
    Reports and statements involvement the use, taxation, and development of land.
  • National Academy of Public Administration
    Independent nonpartisan organization chartered by Congress to assist federal, state, and local governments to improve their effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability.
  • National League of Cities
    Oldest and largest national organization representing municipal government in the  US. Provides  research reports on policy issues facing metropolitan areas.
  • Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government
    The public policy research arm of the State University of New York, the Institute "conducts research on the role of state and local governments in American federalism and on the management and finances of states and localities."
  • Public Agenda Online
    Research organization that provides non-partisan reporting on public opinion and public policy issues.
  • Rand Corporation
    Researches and reports on a number of domestic and international issues, ranging from education, health, population, aging, infrastructure, workforce, substance abuse and more.
    Independent element of the Pew Research Center, it publishes weekly news articles and research reports on all state governments and public policy issues.
  • United States Conference of Mayors
    Official nonpartisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. Web site contains legislative information, policy statements, resolutions passed, press releases, and more.
  • Urban Institute
    Researches and reports on issues and challenges facing America's cities.  Reports are written for policymakers, program administrators, and academics.


Think tanks with a self-described political leaning.